How volcanoes work by Dr. Vic Camp, Department
of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University is an excellent,
well-designed and rich educational resource on nearly all aspects of
volcanology. Award winning and of text-book quality, it is easy to navigate
and not overloaded, suitable both for students and the interested layman.
Contains excellent photographic illustrations of volcanic features and a well
compiled list of links. Highly recommended.
- SOL - Stromboli On Line
An amazing site, originally dedicated to Stromboli and its seismic
activity monitored by the R. Carniel and colleagues from Udine university,
has now grown into a rich resource of information, photos and videoclips on
many other active volcanoes as well. Most of its material, of course, is
still on Etna and Stromboli. Created and maintained by Jürg Alean and Roberto Carniel,
this site comes furthermore in 3
languages (English, German and Italian). Enjoy some of the very best
volcano photos available, mostly by J. Alean and M. Fulle (a friend and my
'teacher' in volcano photography) !!
- Smithsonian
Institution - Global Volcanism Project (GVP). THE source of scientific and
up-to date information of holocene volcanoes worldwide.
Gathers reports from current eruptions and publishes the
Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network (GVNB) (online available). Very
detailed information and a comprehensive archive of volcanic activity of in
parts since 1968.
- U.S.Geological Survey, Volcanoes
Hazards Program: an incredibly rich source of information about
volcanoes (mainly in the U.S.), volcanic hazards and monitoring, case
studies, and a loads of educational and open-file scientific material.
- IAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology and
Chemistry of the Earth's Interior). Reports on current
research projects, meetings, conferences and workshops,
links and addresses in volcanology.
- L'Association Volcanologique Européenne (LAVE), maintained by Dominique Decobecq, is a large
volcanic site in French with lots of information,
pictures, films, CD-roms, a glossary etc.
VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY with eruption updates,
description of the Decade Volcano program, general and
specific articles regarding evolution in the future -
hazards assessment of selected individual volcanoes.
- Société de Volcanologie de Genčve
(Suisse) (in French) - The Swiss Volcanologic Society's web site with
general information about about itself, its members, travel proposals,
links. The SVG publishes a nice printed monthly bulletin with news and
information about volcanoes.